Class PagePicture


This Class represents a dataobject for a PagePicture

Variable Summary
int $Id
String[] $LanguageAccess
string $LanguageISO
string $Name
int $Sorting
string $Thumbnail
int $Id

The id of the PagePicture

String[] $LanguageAccess

Specifies on which languages and sites this entity is accessible. An array of LANGUAGE-ISO_SITE-ID

string $LanguageISO

The language Language ISO code of the PagePicture for the active language (Solution_SetLanguage)

string $Name

The path name of the file (relative position from the /pics/ folder)

int $Sorting

The position of the PagePicture amongst its siblings

string $Thumbnail

The name of the thumbnail of the PagePicture

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:47 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4